Would you rather questions for couples. Spending hours with your future significant other is a positive move. So why spend your time arguing about Monopoly rules when you can directly ask and discover who they really are, nasty tastes and all? These “would you rather” questions may be used as an icebreaker at meal or before coffee. Just be aware that you could not get the responses you were wishing for.
35 Amazing Would you rather questions for couples
‘This or That’ question play is a fun and adorable pair game that you may play with your someone special, friend or future better half. you may learn together why your relationship is so unique with this excellent collection of ”would you rather” questions for couples. Overall, having such similarities and contrasts in beliefs strengthens your connection.
Would you rather love to have success or fame?
Would you rather have 1 great Family or 10 best Friends?
Would you rather love texting or call?
Would you rather love to have personality or wealth?