Wonderful Halloween fun activities for kids during Covid

Wonderful Halloween fun activities for kids during Covid: COVID-19 may have put an end to the days of rallying a large group of nearby children for trick-or-treating, but it doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy the first holiday of the fall season: Halloween sure, your kids won’t be able to show off their painstakingly crafted costumes to their best potential, but there’s still plenty to do with only your immediate family or trusted pod members.
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Wonderful Halloween fun activities for kids during Covid
There’s plenty to celebrate now that the prohibitions on visiting pumpkin patches, apple harvesting, and, of course, haunted homes have been relaxed for the time being.
There’s much to do at home for families who want to be extra safe and spend the day at home, including getting all dressed up for the frightening occasion. Make your own family costumes (hey, we love a good Insta-op) or a ghost garland if you’re feeling creative. Try a game of Halloween charades, mummy racing, or constructing your own Halloween obstacle course. More Halloween activities for kids can be found in the following list.
‘Bob for apples’ is a fun game to play
So maybe you were a little too enthusiastic and plucked way too many apples. You’ve already consumed some and baked as many pies as possible. Have them as the main attraction in a classic game of Bob for Apples before the rest go bad. Fill a wide-mouth bucket (or bowl) halfway with water to allow the apples to float. Then, with their hands behind their backs, have them try to get the apples using only their lips. The person who can collect the most apples in one-minute wins.
Pop some pumpkins that you have made by yourself
Fill each one with a Halloween-themed surprise after ordering a bag of orange balloons online (think candy or a silly trinket like a spider ring). Then, using construction paper, make green leaves to attach to the balloon’s tie-in point. Then it’s time to play: all your kids have to do now is trample the balloons to win.
Make a collection of assorted candy bags
We’re still in the midst of an epidemic. Bummer. The good news is that you can still trick-or-treat, but you must be cautious. Assort a variety of candy into Ziploc bags instead of placing a large amount of candy into one bag for everyone to grab and go. As a result, everyone lifts the bag they want to take instead of sifting through the entire basket. (Just in case, keep a bottle of hand sanitiser nearby.)
Come up with some unique Halloween costumes
You may still celebrate Halloween at home even if you don’t go trick-or-treating this year. Dress like a ghost with some sheets—it’s classic. Or go a little more inventive and raid the depths of your closet.
A ghost garland in fashion
To begin, send your children outside to gather leaves in your backyard. Paint the leaves white, then add two eyes with a Sharpie. All you’ll need is a hole punch (although you could probably puncture each leaf with a pin) and some rope to transform it into a garland.
Exchange terrifying stories
This project will make use of that one story your brother used to scare you with when you were little. You can even make one up on the spot, recite one of these tried-and-true kid-friendly Halloween tales, or recite one of your childhood favourites.
Visit a ghostly house
Is Halloween still Halloween without a visit to a haunted house or town? A trip to a nearby ghost house will get your blood pounding.
Put that candy corn to work for you
Although candy corn isn’t everyone’s first choice, that doesn’t mean we can’t use it. You can totally make your own ‘Quick to Win It’ version. Here’s how it’s done: A stack of candy corn, a bowl, and a set of chopsticks are required for each child. A 60-second timer will be required. The object of the game is to see who can get the most candy corn into the bowl with only sticks.
Bingo with candy corn
Bingo, speaking of candy corn, is a crowd-pleaser for all ages. But here’s where things start to get spooky: To begin, you’ll need a Bingo card with Halloween-themed items, such as this one from Studio DIY. Then, instead of using regular chips as markers, use candy corn. However, don’t be shocked if your children consume all of the game pieces.
Make the cornhole spookier for Halloween
This eerie special edition of a family classic will be a hit with your children. To do so, just cover your existing gaming boards with imitation cobwebs and replace the traditional bean bags with DIY spider bean bags.
Create a scavenger hunt for Halloween
Decorate the halls with eerie decorations, then send your kids on a scavenger hunt to find all of the on-theme items. You can also go on a family scouting walk around the area.
Make your own mummies if you want to save money
For this game, you’ll need more toilet paper. Make teams and choose one individual to be the mummy. The rest of the gang then has to wrap them in toilet paper till they resemble a mummy. The team that can mummify the most quickly wins!
After the mummification, keep the party going by (safely) racing to a specified place. The losing squad must consume candy corn!
Use your imagination with pumpkin golf
All professional pumpkin carvers, take note: Create a jack-o’-lantern with a mouth big enough to put golf balls into for this game. A miniature golf kit (like this one) and a red felt runway that doubles as a putting green are required next. Consider it a themed version of mini-golf. (A Girl and a Glue Gun have comprehensive instruction.)
Pumpkin golf allows you to use your imagination
Take note, all skilled pumpkin carvers: For this game, make a jack-o’-lantern with a mouth big enough to put golf balls through. Then you’ll need a tiny golf set (like this one) and a red felt runway that doubles as a putting green. Consider it a themed mini-golf course.
Insert yourself into a spider web maze
You’ll need painter’s tape and a handful of those plastic spiders that you can usually purchase at the dollar shop around Halloween. Then, using the tape, create a spider web. Make a “start” and “finish” line and tell the students to walk the web without deviating from it. What’s the catch? They must avoid losing their footing while picking up the plastic spiders you’ve strewn about.
The race of the spider
What happened to those dollar shop plastic spiders? You’ll enjoy this Still Playing School tutorial. Set up a start and finish line on the kitchen table with a pair of straws. What is the goal? To race while blowing through the straws. The first child with their eight-legged insect to cross the finish line wins.
To make a candy wreath, follow the instructions below
What’s the greatest technique to get kids to come to your front door for trick or treating? Of course, it’s a candy wreath. Allow your children to assist you in constructing it by selecting the candy to be placed on the cardboard platform. The use of a hot glue gun is required.
Go on an apple picking experience
There’s a why this Halloween activity is so popular. Choose what you can eat and make a plan to reward yourself with warm cider—which is virtually always offered on-site—once you’ve finished.