Decor Ideas

Shaggy Dwarf Morning Glory

Shaggy dwarf morning glory is never a poor idea to add fresh flowers to your yard! They provide a splash of colour and, in many cases, an aesthetic appeal to the area. Morning glory flowers are a wonderful addition to practically any garden. They are simple to grow and come in a wide range of colours. And did you know they are one of the September birth flowers?

Morning glory flowers

Shaggy dwarf morning-glory

All morning glory plants have gorgeous funnel-shaped flowers in a variety of colours such as white, red, blue, purple, and yellow, as well as heart-shaped leaves. Blooming normally occurs from May to September, with the flowers opening in the morning and shutting in the afternoon. Most are annuals, yet in some warmer climates they will return year after year or may reseed themselves in practically any zone they grow in.

Shaggy dwarf morning-glory yellow

Let’s take a deeper look at all you need to know before you try to grow and maintain your own shaggy dwarf morning glory.

How to Propagate Dwarf Morning Glory?

These plants will safely propagate from both seeds & stem cuttings, however, rooted stem cuttings are the more reliable technique for producing plants identical to parent plants. Rooting stem cuttings are generally done in the summer to start plants for outdoor propagation the following spring.

  • Cut 3- to 5-inch tips off healthy stems with sharp pruners. Remove the bottom one-third of each cutting’s leaves, as well as the flowers and flower buds.
  • Plant the cut end in a shallow container filled with a commercial seed starter mix, or a porous mixture of sand with peat moss or potting mix.
  • Place the pot in a spot with bright indirect light and cover it with a loosely closed plastic bag (not direct sunlight).
  • Keep the potting media wet until roots form (gently tug on the cutting stem to detect resistance). At this stage, place the cutting in a container with regular potting soil.
  • Grow the cuttings indoors during the winter (or in a sheltered outdoor location, if you live in a region that does not freeze in the winter). Transplant the actively developing plant into the landscape in the spring.
How to Propagate Dwarf Morning Glory

Where to ”Morning Glory” should be planted?

Morning glories need full sun and should be planted in a sunny location. Plant your seeds in well-draining, healthy soil. Choose a location shielded from severe winds, and if feasible, construct a fence or trellis for your morning glories to climb.

Note: How To Hang Plants From Ceiling is also the best recommendation for those who are looking to add some plants to their space.

When Should ”Morning Glory” Be Planted?

Make sure the fear of frost has gone and the earth has warmed up, morning glory plants can be readily grown from seeds placed directly in the garden. Indoors, start the seeds 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost in your place.

How to Grow Shaggy dwarf morning-glory?

You may boost the germination rate of your morning glories by filling down the seeds just sufficient to break their coat. Soak them in water for at least 24 hours before planting to encourage them to form a little root. Plant your seeds six inches apart and cover them with a quarter-inch of the earth after they’re in the ground. Seedlings should appear within a week.

How to Grow Shaggy dwarf morning-glory

How to repot Dwarf Morning Glory?

Dwarf morning glory may be grown in any well-drained container that has been filled with a lightweight, well-draining potting mix. Pots can be made of any material, but for hanging baskets, lightweight plastic is an excellent choice.

How to repot Dwarf Morning Glory

When the plant gets root-bound, it is time to repot it. This plant, however, is not suitable for long-term container cultivation since the stems become woody and the blooms are scant. It is a rather short-lived perennial that is normally removed after a few years. Take stem cuttings before discarding to help reproduce new plants.

Common factors to grow Shaggy dwarf morning-glory


This plant grows on ordinary, loamy, well-drained soil, whether planted in a garden bed or cultivated in a container. It requires slightly acidic soil pH but may withstand neutral soil.


In the spring and summer, feed dwarf morning glories once a month. Apply a general-purpose liquid fertilizer according to the package directions. In warm areas where it is dependably hardy as a perennial, do not feed the plant throughout the winter.

Watering Shaggy dwarf morning-glory

Dwarf morning glory excels with continuous, even moisture, but it does not like to sit in damp soil. In excellent, well-draining soil, one-half to one inch of water each week (rainfall and/or irrigation) may help it to grow, but in compacted soil, this may be too much water.

Once established, this plant is drought tolerant, making it an excellent choice for neglected sections of your garden or containers that may not receive sufficient water. Overwatering and inducing root rot is one of the easiest ways to destroy dwarf morning glory.


Plant dwarf morning glory in full light for six to eight hours every day to promote continuous flowering throughout the season. Sunlight aids in the maintenance of these plants’ compact form and rich foliage. When planted in too much shadow, dwarf morning glory can become leggy, sprawl, produce fewer flowers, and lose its silvery shine.

Humidity and temperature

This plant thrives in the summer heat and is happiest and blossoms best at temperatures over 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Even a light frost will kill it. It does not care about humidity levels.

Dwarf Morning Glory Maintenance guide

Dwarf morning glory is simple to cultivate if given well-draining soil and at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight. Because it is a low-maintenance & self-cleaning plant, wasted flowers do not need to be removed. It thrives in the summer heat and is quite drought-tolerant once planted with regular watering.

Dwarf morning glory might seem ragged with diminished flowers as the growing season advances. Trim the plant back to clean it up and promote fresh bushy growth. There are no severe pest or disease issues with dwarf morning glories.

Dwarf Morning Glory Pruning

When the plant is young, pinch back stems to encourage bushier growth. Late in the growing season, when stems have gotten a little scraggly, severe pruning can encourage new growth and make plants more appealing in the fall.

There is no need to deadhead spent flowers because these plants self-clean; wasted flowers fall off on their own.

Shaggy dwarf morning-glory Overwintering

Plants should be cut out and thrown at the end of the growing season to avoid self-seeding, which can be prolific. Potted plants can be carried indoors to overwinter as houseplants in colder areas. If put in a sunny position and watered frequently, dwarf morning glory can bloom all winter.

Plants in a flower bed in front of the house & potted plants can live outside all year in warm areas. Reduce watering and cut back on the stems. During the winter, do not feed. Flowering decreases as the stems mature and become woody. Most gardeners who grow this perennial plant replace it every three or four years.

Common Varieties of Shaggy dwarf morning-glory

There are three main varieties of ”Dwarf Morning Glory”that are widely offered in nurseries:

‘Blue Daze’

It grows to be around 18 inches tall and three feet broad. It features unusually bright blue blooms about a half-inch in diameter that bloom from late spring through fall.

‘Blue My Mind’

It has somewhat bigger blooms and grows to be 12 inches tall and up to 24 inches wide. It is a wonderful choice for really hot weather and direct sunlight.

‘Hawaiian Blue Eyes’

It features one-inch blue flowers with silvery-green foliage.

What are the common issues of Shaggy dwarf morning-glory?

The only significant issue with dwarf morning glory is when it is planted in deep, poorly draining soil or receives excessive water. Under these conditions, the plants will perform badly and may suffer to root rot.

How Long Does Morning Glory Flower Last?

Morning glories, like other flowers, have a limited lifespan. Their colourful blooms appear fresh each morning, earning them the name “morning glories.”

They only live for one day, yet the vines from which they grow generate many blossoms. They are abundant when in season.

Sunbal Razzaq

Sunbal Razzaq is the founder & CEO of Sunshine Tips.

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