Types Of Jade Plants That You Must Know

Types Of Jade Plants That You Must Know. Jade plants are local plants of South Africa & Mozambique, and they are popular houseplants worldwide. It is named Crassula Ovata and is also known as the money tree, money plant, or fortunate plant. Its appeal as a houseplant stems from the fact that it requires minimal maintenance and can live in most indoor environments. Many homeowners use jade plants for home decoration.
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How to care for a jade plant?
This is a tropical plant that needs very little water in the summer and far less in the winter to live. It needs more sunlight and very less water for growth. It is sensitive to watering so be careful while watering. If they have dead leaves remove them timely. When sunlight strikes, it might develop a pink or bright crimson hue around the leaves. In severe situations, the plant’s green hue is totally lost and replaced by a pale yellow. This plant has the natural potential to defend itself from strong sunlight by creating carotenoid pigments.

Types/varieties of Jade plants
The Jade Plant is found in many different types across the world and is famous for its strong branches, green hue, silky leaves, & the pink or white flowers that bloom above them. Many of these types have been grown over time, and many varieties have received attention.

Crassula Arborescens
It is notable for its silvery-blue foliage and succulent bush, it is also famous as the Silver Dollar Jade or the Blue Buddha Bush. It has burgundy borders and grows slowly. The flowers that develop from its tips remain for a long time and emerge throughout the autumn-winter season.
The plant’s height can be limited by containerization, but its overall height does not exceed 60 centimetres.

Crassula Ovata Pink
The Pink Crassula Ovata is known for its bushy appearance and the remarkable amount of blooms that bloom each year. Under extremely dry conditions, the leaf acquires a crimson flush throughout the year. Small pink flowers develop on their tips in the mid-fall and late winter months, filling the plant’s exterior. Over the course of five years, it can reach a height of one metre.

Crassula Arborescens Undulatifolia
The Undulatifolia variant of Crassula Arborescens was discovered in 1974 and was quickly brought into the market. It’s regarded as the Ripple Jade Plant and is popular for its ornamental qualities, so much so that architects favour it above other varieties of shrubbery. It has a bonsai-like appearance, and the waxy leaves set it apart from other plants. It is also covered with vegetation all year.

Crassula Ovata Botany Bay
This plant Crassula Ovata Botany Bay was very recently brought into the markets in 2011. It is a short and bushy plant that is sustained in shape when kept in a pot. When exposed to low light, its leaf stretches less. Throughout dry circumstances, which are most common during the winter months, the foliage acquires a crimson blush. Under good conditions, it may reach a maximum of 1 metre in five years.

Portulacaria Afra Cascade
The Prostrata, Low Elephant Bush, and Trailing Elephant Bush are all names for the Cascade. It has spherical, fleshy leaves that sprout from maroon/mahogany stems. Although it is not a blooming plant and can reach a height of one metre. It is useful for cascading against dry walls.

Crassula Ovata Harbour Lights
Because of its unique red hue, the Crassula Ovata variation Harbour Lights is easily identified. Because of its distinctive hue, it has become a popular houseplant. It has significantly smaller leaves than Crassula Ovata and turns a bright scarlet in the winter. Pinkish white blooms bloom during the fall & early winter, giving it a brilliant look. It is said to be great for seashore decors.

Crassula Arbosescens Blue Bird
The Blue Bird money plant or Jade Plant is the popular name for Crassula Arbosescens Blue Bird Variegata. It’s a slow-growing shrub, like other jade plants found naturally, but its leaf colouring differentiates it from others. It features blue, ivory, green, and red hues. Its maximum height is around 50 cm, and its length can be lowered by containerization. Types Of Jade Plants That You Must Know

Crassula Ovata Hobbit
The Bonsai Jade Tree is named after the fictitious race of people in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings novels. This type is distinguished by its little stature of no more than 30 cm. The species was born in the Paradisia Nursery in Victoria. It is reported to share characteristics with its related species, such as red tips and pinkish-white blossoms in early winter.
As the name implies, it may be quite responsive to containerization and growth limitations. It may be planted alone or in a combo bowl with many other succulents and yet maintain its tiny height.

Crassula Ovata
The most widely used variety of Jade Plant is Crassula Ovata, often referred to as the money tree, friendship plant, or Lucky Jade. It was the first variation of the Jade Plant found and is still one of the most common types in use today. It is the hardiest and fastest growing of the Ovata varieties. Pinkish white flowers develop on its tips over the winter, as they do on all Jade Plants, and its height may reach over 2 metres in certain circumstances.
It is said to be one of those types of Jade plants that you must know. They are suitable for cultivating near coastal locations. When correctly pruned and sculpted, it may also be utilised as a separator or showcase in gardens.

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